There property is in the north-western outskirts of the town, in Hadovce near the road to Kolárovo. There are some buildings on it and it was also used as a courtyard. They are easily accessible from the main road between Komárno and Bratislava. The new bridge over the Danue will also be within easy reach.
Cadastral district: Komárno
Parcel No.: 10781
Number of ownership document: 6434
Area: 15061 m2
Type of property: built-up area and courtyard
Way of use: built-up area with a courtyard
Location: The property is located in an urban zone
Category in the land use plan of the town: B1
GISplan KN:,pc,pe,ul&lb=of-2014&c=-503887:-1328282.5&z=4&i=-504321.03:-1328127.00
Google Earth:,18.0942889,1053m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=sk
Further information: Odbor správy majetku, Komárno, kontakty